Wednesday, June 18, 2008

other training - track

so anyway, in my quest of being a better biker, i have started going to the velodrome on a tuesday night. it is a scary experience the first time you head out there, but there are people to help the novices along and pretty soon you are scooting along on the banking.

it is good to develop a proper spin to your cycling and also some sense of where you bike is sitting in the group (as you have no brakes and can't stop pedalling). i seriously have not had to concentrate so much whilst riding for such a long time. oh yeah, and it's fast. so fast that you are just a blur on the photo.

it is pretty cheap ($10 plus bike hire which i think is $5) and goes from 6pm to about 8pm.
you just need to bring a helmet and pedals/shoes..maybe some bike clothes unless you want to do the whole world naked cycling thing.

there are quite few people that turn up and it caters for all abilities so i encourage you all to turn up and have a go.


John said...

probably showing my ignorance but you have to bring your own 'pedals'?

damnchickens said...

pedals because they have toe strap pedals on the hire bikes, and you may want to use your own clipless ones.

John said...

right...nice to know.