Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Daily Grind


Post-exercise Caffeine Helps Muscles Refuel

Glycogen, the muscle's primary fuel source during exercise, is replenished more rapidly when athletes ingest both carbohydrate and caffeine following exhaustive exercise, new research shows. Athletes (cyclists) who ingested caffeine with carbohydrate had 66% more glycogen in their muscles four hours after finishing intense, glycogen-depleting exercise, compared to when they consumed carbohydrate alone, according to the study undertaken by Australian researchers.

And by far the ultimate stylish, lightweight and aerodynamic method for consumption of your caffeinated performance and recovery beverage...

Schmolke Carbon in Germany has created a carbon fibre coffee cup!


As the group's resident coffee pusher I have had a few people ask about getting some more Fiori beans.
I am back cycling again (albeit slower than I would prefer) so I can't bring it with me on the day. However, if I get orders before midday Friday I will drop them down to the "Bells" on my way home ready for collection the next morning.
Put your orders in the comments.

Did you know...
  • Coffee beans are the second most traded commodity in the world (after oil)
  • It takes 5 years for a coffee tree to reach maturity and even then it will yield only enough for about half a kilo of roasted beans
  • Over 1400 million cups of coffee are consumed worldwide per day


jerard said...

I hope that is not your bike with the coffee holder. If it is, I would appreciate it if you park it at a distance exceeding 10 meters from my Pinarello

Caffeine Queen said...

Mon dieu Jerard... As if that would be my bike!!!

You know my only desire is to own something worthy of nestling tenderly next to "Le Pinarello" ;-)